For generations now, Indian women have been using natural beauty remedies at home, applying the simplest household ingredients for better skin and smoother hair. Most of these beauty solutions are easy to rustle up at home, using everyday items made from botanical extracts.
1. Keep your face fresh by applying rose water daily
This one has a royal history, having been used by the queens and princesses of Ancient India. Apply rose water for fresher, softer skin. and to brighten up your face. The fragrance of rose water will leave you smelling good too.
2. Exfoliate regularly
Most of us remember to hydrate our skin daily and moisturize it, but exfoliation is often ignored. Set a regular routine for skin exfoliation to remove dead skin cells, blackheads, and other skin impurities.
A popular Indian homemade exfoliator includes mixing white refined sugar or salt on a small damp cloth with a regular cleanser. Use a gentle circular motion to massage your skin. After exfoliation, wash your face and apply a few drops of coconut oil or extra virgin oil to seal in the natural skin moisture.
3. Let your skincare regime keep you looking young
As you grow older, you will need to take more care of your skin. Just a little effort here and there can help you take away the years from your face. To keep your skin soft, mix one teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice and massage it gently in your face. Leave it on for about 20 minutes before washing off. A papaya face mask can also help keep the skin firm.
4. Get rid of dark circles easily
Most of us are unable to easily treat dark circles under the eye. You can use a simple home remedy to get rid of these but only if you start using in the early stages of darkening.
Add two teaspoons of grated cucumber to half cup curd and add this to your face, letting it remain for 25 minutes and rinsing off with warm water. Remember that sleep, too little or too much, also plays a part in the formation of dark circles.
5. Nourish your hair regularly
Turning to the age old favourite ‘Amla’ oil for thick and shiny hair is somewhat of a habit in most Indian households. Alternatively try oiling your hair regularly with a mixture of almond, castor, and coconut oil.
You can also use a simple, more modern, home concoction to increase hair growth. Beat two eggs well and add one tablespoon of castor oil to it. Apply this on your hair and scalp, leave for 30-40 minutes, and shampoo off. It also acts as a natural homemade conditioner.
6. Moisturize your skin before going to bed
Use a honey and glycerine pack on your face at night, applying it evenly all over and letting it remain for a few minutes. Wash away the mixture gently with a wet cotton ball. It will quickly ease dry skin and leave your face feeling soft and supple.
7. Eat healthy to look better
It’s no secret that your skin reflect your overall health and nutrition. If you are eating too much, too little, or the the ‘wrong’ kinds of food, it will invariably reflect in your skin too. Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water to maintain good health which should be at the core of any beauty regimen.